This includes service packages of professional housekeeping, security, CCTV, Infra-keeping (cleaning of windows of high rise, metal structures), automated cleaning. We also provide solutions for 100% sanitization using modern techniques which are also customized according to client’s needs.

With an increasing demand of ad-hoc services in the field of ambulance patient delivery. We have our own manufacturing set up for customizing e-ambulances with latest add ons- like seat addition, Oxygen Cylinder, IV Rods, Ambulance Redesign etc. Please get in touch with us for offers on ambulance customizations.

Facility Management

We train our staff through lean practices(5S) that include zone division, priority zone identification, appropriate material use, and Appropriate method of Cleaning & Disinfection

Private Security

Our Security Personnel go through a written test and 7 phase training program to become security guards and supervisors.

Farm Management

With a surge in agricultural practices in the Government & the Private sector, we have trained our staff to be expert handymen for farm practices.

Electronic Ambulance

With fuel emissions costing us lives, it's important to move to eco-friendly solutions in the field of Hospital Management. We customize electronic ambulances to cater our clients

Data Operator

We all know the power of a data operator with the skill of 40 wpm on a busy day. When you hire from NSIS you know you would get simply the best.

Human Resource

Our HR service follows an in house developed skill matching methodology. Our skilled team goes over 10x the efficiency to find the perfect candidate for your organisation.


Catering & Canteen requires a 24x7 hawk-eyed control at every stage. We have worked with Organisations like Bata and Hospitals like PMCH. Our firm received great appreciation for the food & hygiene in form of OHSAS.


Many facilities rely on an alternative form of electricity for the comfort of their employees and Customers. We have worked with Several Hospitals like Sadar Hospital and have received great reviews about our management practices.

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